Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Embrace Life to Live

It’s a firm belief of mine that the greatest opportunities in life come from exploring the unknown.  Stepping outside of one’s comfort zone opens a world of possibility that might otherwise fall to the wayside out of sheer panic, fear or ignorance. Whether you’re exploring a new town, country, book, religion, social group, music genre, political belief or something new for dinner, I urge you to take that leap of faith and understand that chance and change are the truest testament of living.  People are complex and come from all different walks of life, therefore I think there’s perhaps nothing more rewarding in life than extending a helping hand to the unexpecting, conversing with someone from the other side of the tracks and really embracing those people or ideologies that are quite the contrary to your own. 
Wherever that foreign territory takes you, acknowledging the indifferences that cultivate through the complexity of life, we can begin to embrace those days and times everyone else seems to take for granted and we'll eventually come to understanding that life really is beautiful beyond your wildest dreams. Exploring the unknown is to live life to its fullest, a little carpe diem; if you will. So I urge you to be open to change and embrace the unknowns of the future.  March forward with an open mind, heart and always represent yourself from a place of compassion and pure interest. Who knows, perhaps after all is said and done the new people, ideas and/or culture may be just that thing you've been looking for all along.  Cheers!

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