Monday, November 24, 2014

At the gymnasium...

As a pretty avid gym goer, it never seizes to amaze me some of the shit I see and hear on a fairly regular basis.  I genuinely love exercise, I don’t particularly enjoy the antics I witness at the gym, not to mention the stale air of sweat and a bazillion germs and viruses lurking on every surface encountered.  Exercising outdoors is far more enjoyable than any day in the gym, but as it stands, I’ve never really been fond of working out outdoors during the cold months here in Michigan, so, to the gym I go. 

I’ve been attending the same gym since college, which has both its perks and downfalls.  In general, I enjoy my facility and most of my gripes about the gym would happen just about anywhere, even if I did choose to branch out to my local country club or Powerhouse gym. 

Gripe #1 – It’s not my social hour
When I go to the gym, I go to work. Please leave me be.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m as social as they come when you meet me out in a restaurant, bar or starbucks, but when I’m at the gym and I’m dripping with sweat and can barely catch my breath let alone hold a conversation, please let me get the most out of my hour in the gym so I can get the hell out of there.  Which leads me to my next gripe…

Gripe #2- The gym is not a fashion show
Women and their lulu lemon pants, matching track suits, hair down and neon everything make me giggle. Don’t get me wrong, I have a pretty sweet pair of white/neon kicks I enjoy, but I’m in no way, shape or form someone who puts much thought into their workout gear.  I’m the chick in an oversized cutoff t-shirt, standard black pants and her hair slicked back with sweat; in short, I’m not looking my best, therefore I’d rather not converse with anyone, let alone someone of the opposing sex.  Moreover…

Gripe #3- Creepy guys at the gym are the worst
Sometimes guys really do have no shame.  Listen dude, I can feel your eyes on my back (likely ass) and it really makes me uncomfortable.  However, it also motivates me to push harder, run faster and burn off more steam, so hey- I guess that’s a plus.  Guys that approach me at the gym to either compliment me or ask me for advice are a lot to take in.  I have a hard time taking compliments from women at the gym let alone the dude who just had to come over and say something.  Again, I look atrocious and really don’t see the appeal.  Even when I wore an engagement ring at the gym it didn't seem to deter men from approaching me at the most inopportune times.  I appreciate those men/women who genuinely appreciate something I had been doing, but all and all, a thumbs up is pretty sufficient and we can all go about our merry work out.

Gripe #4 – People who spectate
I’ll never understand the people who come to the gym and walk on a treadmill for 2 hours at a snail’s pace. I’m really beginning to wonder if some people really do frequent the gym for social hour or to meet new people.  I get it, whatever floats your boat, but I personally find it uncomfortable for those of us working hard and extremely counterintutive to your health and gym membership. I've heard we burn calories while sleeping, that may be another viable option...

Clearly, the gym can be a nuisance at times, however it certainly beats the alternative…  To help illustrate the amount of sweat that escapes my pores, please observe this pic of my workout bench I snapped last weekend. I tried telling you, I’m no joke in the gym J  

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