Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hindsight is a beautiful thing, isn’t it?

Looking back on a tumultuous year, it’s easy to utter the following phrases and questions that run rapid through our heads: why do bad things happen to good people!? If it’s meant to be, it’ll be!? Everything happens for a reason?! Time heals all!? You’ll be better off for it?! The list of sappy and transparent Pinterest quotes go on and on….and I purposefully put question marks and exclamation points after each claim- for no one really knows why things happen the way they do, or how to possibly “fix” the sometimes non-repairable instances of life; no one physical being here on earth anyway. Rather life is bountiful series of events that cover all ends of the spectrum on any given day.  Happy moments, sad moments, funny moments, angry moments, you get the point.  Timing isn’t always our best friend when it comes to appropriateness or when seeking out realistic expectations.  We’re continuously left with more questions than answers and the unknown scares a lot of people, myself included. But why?  I read recently that worrying is betting against yourself, wow- that is true beyond belief. Worrying really is a waste of time.  So why do we so often look to the past or to the future for validation of where we’re meant to be in life at any given moment?  Why is it we give so much weight to the mistakes of the past and the anxieties of the future when just being present should be gratifying enough.  Congrats, you’re alive and reading this and therefore blessed far beyond belief. I know that doesn’t seem like a big fete, but it really is. Genuine tragedies happen every day to the most undeserving people for reasons unknown, while we may not understand why or how, we can count our blessings and be genuinely thankful for the countless times angels were watching over us during life’s never-ending mishaps we’ve bared witness to.  I am an optimist to a fault at times and I think the best thing one can do in times of uncertainty is to remain grounded, don’t over catastrophize the circumstance and practice gratitude daily.  Gratitude is such a therapeutic exercise to get into the habit of doing and I strongly recommend it to anyone out there in general, but also and especially to those who have had bad cards dealt their way more often than not recently. We have to experience the bad things in life so we can appreciate all of the great moments so much more. Mistakes happen.  We’re human therefore imperfect, however don’t forget to take accountability for those mistakes when necessary. Your actions have reactions and it’s important to acknowledge wrong doings, apologize, and then proceed. You’re responsible for your own emotions and don’t forget this includes happiness, which of course comes from within.  Embrace challenges, accept the unknown, let go of resentment and learn to live in the moment, minute by minute, hour to hour, day by day.  Feel a sense of calmness when you understand that, bad moments in life are lessons and once you understand the exercise, you can begin to let go, succumb to the universe and perhaps actually live. And for heaven’s sake- laugh. Gratitude, kindness and humor are perhaps the most important traits any one individual can possess for a truly rich life, traits I hope to continue to live by for eternity. Be well.  

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habit.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny
― Lao Tzu

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