I was inspired to write this letter on a whim to someone special a few days ago. I believe there's some real validity in this and thought I would share it (in part) on my blog. Happy & prosperous New Year! Muah!!
Whether its
relationships, friendships, hardships, family, career goals, education, etc… I
wanted to share something with you. I look up to Warren Buffet for many
reasons, more than just his financial successes, he’s truly an innovator,
philanthropist at the core and intelligent beyond belief. His ideas and
philosophies on life in general are really something wise to invest in.
When I was researching something a while back I came across the quote and it
really stuck with me. As a matter of fact, I have it on my fridge at home,
not sure if you observed it, it reads:
“The snowball just
happens if you’re in the right kind of snow, and that’s what happened with
me. I don’t just mean compounding money either. It’s in terms of
understanding the world and what kind of friends you accumulate. You get
to select over time, and you’ve got to be the kind of person that the snow
wants to attach itself to. You’ve got to be your own wet snow, in effect. You’d
better be picking up snow as you go along, because you’re not going to be
getting back up to the top of the hill again. That’s the way life works.”
Basically, if you look
at life in terms of a snowball, you need to be sure that you’re gathering the
right kind of snow. Like attracts like, so as long as you remain
optimistic, driven, and recognize what’s really in front of you, take those
chances and see the opportunity in everything, I think success in all different
aspects of life are inevitable. You can’t necessarily make a snowball out of
dry/powder snow. Sure you’ll pick up a little bit here or there, but
eventually the snow falls off and you’re back to square one trying to rebuild
that snowball. Whether its friends, career moves, education, romantic
partners or even just mere acquaintances, choose wisely. The more time
and effort you invest in people or things that don’t benefit you in the long
run, the more you set yourself up for failure and negativity really does breed
negativity. Sure, we’re all destined to make some mistakes along the way, but
it’s how you pick yourself up and move forward that we truly begin to see
ourselves and the beauty in everything around us. And at the end of the day,
True success is not a destination but rather in the journey in which we embark
upon; Perseverance in the truest sense.
Further, I know the
universe works in mysterious ways and never has then been so apparent to me
than the last 6 months. I too had some awful luck, for a lack of better
words, and I now know that everything has occurred for a reason, something I’ve
always believed in but is really apparent to me at this point in my life.
A wise person once told me that a pendulum can only swing so far left (bad),
that eventually, slowly but surely, it starts to swing the right direction and
happens for good/honest/humble people, like myself and I believe will hold true
for you as well J
Have faith that
you’re now on the up and up and don’t ever sell yourself short or settle for
something that’s anything less than positive, genuine and beneficial to the
universe’s master plan for you. I believe bright things may be on the horizon….