We’re quickly approaching the third the month of 2014, how’s
that New Year’s Resolution going? Sick
of winter yet? Are you still doubting
climate change is a real problem? If you’re
like many, your answers look something like this; not good, yes and maybe - why do they call it global warming if it’s
not warm (one of my personal favorites). Nonetheless, I’m hoping this New
Year is treating you right and you’re strolling down that bright path of
life. I can’t necessarily say it’s been
a cake walk here on my end, but rather a work in progress. It’s fascinating to me when you have this ‘can
do’ attitude, you think you have everything figured out, you believe you’re
indeed superwoman, then everything comes to a screeching halt and before you
know it, you’re left wondering what
happened? Without getting too
detailed in what’s been occurring, I wanted to put something on paper and
discuss change. Evolving as a person is a must. I know far too many men and women who never
quite evolve into full adulthood, but rather do what they deem as necessary,
continue with childish antics and become a part of society’s herd. It’s an all
too familiar tale. That’s the last
person I want to be. I can appreciate getting
stuck in ruts, not rocking the boat and doing what’s needed to get by, but at
the end of the day, are you really living? Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and
making choices to benefit you and your loved ones are essential to lead a
fulfilled life. One thing I never want
to do, is look back 10-20 years ago and ask, what if? The choices may not
always be clear cut or easy to make, but at the end of the day, you only have
one go at life and it would be a shame not to explore any and all opportunities
presented. Things don't necessarily happen overnight, remain patient and have faith that things will eventually work themselves out. Just know, you’ll be a better
person for saying you tried, regardless of the outcome.
"Adapt or perish, now as ever, is Nature's inexorable imperative." H.G. Wells